Monday, June 10, 2013

New Deputy Minister

Oh joy, MCFD has a new Deputy Minister - Steven Brown is back to the Ministry of Health.  At least the Minister hasn't changed, we've still got Stephanie Cadeaux. Not that I know anything about Cadeaux, I'm just glad there isn't more change. Change takes energy and time ;)

It's all about "delivering efficient and effective services". That, and the Early Years Strategy, to make ECE programs more affordable. 

I say, less barriers to child care subsidy! Lower the income threshold! But who cares what I think? I just put myself through university as a mature student with children in daycare. What would I know about these big decisions?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June update

This is my first attempt at blogging from my new, fancy-pants iPhone. I have gone app crazy, exploring the world of digital reading and podcasts and apps for TED talks and Netflix and Pinterest, even a fancy grocery store app that synchs with my husband's grocery store app on his new, fancy-pants iPhone!

I've even found a couple of apps that help me monitor my self care and my health. I am being reminded to drink more water, to eat healthier and to move and stretch more frequently. I am struggling through, day by day, creating a routine of self care and positive thinking.

Still, I am struggling with my work. I had a very hard week recently, and we are short staffed for the rest of the month, with one worker in training and another on vacation. I have a few paperwork deadlines I am struggling to meet - I keep promising a completion date, and then I keep coming up against urgent but unanticipated work that ends up taking precedence. Regardless, I am doing what I need to do to take care of myself, including asking for support from my boss. 

I am also struggling in my communication with my husband, but that is nothing new! We just communicate so differently, it is amazing to me! I'm really not sure if that will ever get easier. I am working on my own approach to our communication - I am trying to be softer, and to speak with a gentler tone. This is due to the latest addition to my "blog roll", The Orange Rhino, a blog about one stay at home mom's year-long commitment to NOT YELL at her kids. For. One. Year. Straight! (Oh! I cannot see how to add a hyper link to the blog title in this interface... So no links from the iPhone app!)  The Orange Rhino amazes and inspires me. 

I'm not quite ready to tackle no more yelling, although I'm extremely committed to parenting without shame, blame or guilt. Regardless, I love reading this mom's struggles and the grace she receives as a result of being in the moment of her struggles. It is so refreshingly honest, and thus vulnerable and moving :)

I am also lately re-inspired by Unschooling and wish so much that I could be more active in my boys' education. Ah, to be self-employed, to work from home, to just have the time to be there with the boys as they learn! Would that not be the best of all possible worlds?! :)