Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Moving day anxiety

Tomorrow is moving day. Correction, today is moving day, being that it is now 12:52 am. I can't sleep. I have been laying in bed for almost 2 hours, trying to sleep, but I can't.

There is so much to do! We have been packing for days! We've used up 4 batches of boxes and we could still use more. We have so much stuff! I'm beginning to wonder if we're hoarders?! Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not, having been on and off the Flylady bandwagon for at least 8 years, but still...

My husband has been hoarding empties for almost a year, now. He finally HAD to deal with them. There were at least 10 garbage bags full. He got over 60 bucks at the bottle depot.

We also filled up the box of my sister's "lady truck" with stuff for the Sally Ann, and I'm sure once we're done unpacking, we'll have another truck-bed's worth. Mind you, much of that was composed of kids clothing, a lot of which was given to us when they should've taken the clothes to the Sally Ann... but I did get some useful stuff for my ever-growing boys, so, oh well :)

I hope I can sleep.

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