Friday, July 9, 2010

campout in the yard!

We are moving soon, so I have been packing and sorting and tidying. Well, I've been doing a bit of sorting and tidying... and today my boys and I packed two whole boxes! Box number one was this past year's leftover school supplies, as well as notebooks and scrapbooks of work. Box number two was books the boys read only seldomly, chosen by them.

I also decided to tackle the downstairs closet, which holds our seasonal storage: Christmas decorations and wrappings, sports gear and camping supplies. We pulled out both of the tents and chose to set up the smaller, "2 man" tent. It fits two 7 year old boys and several mounds of blankets and pillows quite nicely, and it has a door on each side, nicely taking advantage of the breeze.

The weather has been hot and muggy lately, which is typical summer, I know, but quite rare for the Pacific Northwest. So the boys have decided to take advantage of the heat and sleep outside!

I, however, will sleep inside, on my nice, new King-sized pillow-top mattress. This bed is my therapy. I'm not kidding! We've had it for a year (already?!) and every night, I lay flat on my stomach and stretch my hips. It's delightful.

Besides, we're all going camping next weekend, me and the boys to my family's annual All-Girls' Camp-out, and hubby off with his high school buddies. I'll get lots of sleeping on the ground in that weekend, thank you very much!

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