Tuesday, December 1, 2009

done and done... one more to go!

Papers, that is.

Yesterday I wrote a Statutory Interpretation paper for my Legal Knowledge for Social Workers class. Sounds so high-falutin' doesn't it? Yup, I was given a written scenario about a marriage, it's breakup and some weird happenings in each partner's new relationships. Then I was given a series of questions pertaining to the legal issues of said scenario, and I had to answer them, giving direct reference to statutes. Statutes means government Acts. Like the Family Relations Act and the Mental Health Act. They're online. It was windy yesterday. My internet connection was flickering in and out like a guttering candle. It was very annoying, being so dependent on technology.

Today, for my Social Work Practice with individuals class, I met a classmate on campus and we went to IMS (Information Media Services, I think?) to record ourselves role-playing two different scenarios where one of us is a student social worker offering counseling services. It was supposed to be 20 minutes. Mine was 11. Hope I don't loose too many marks :S The I came home, watched the DVD I made, and then chose 5 minutes of the role-play to transcribe and "process record." Not that I'm sure of the meaning of that, but it was the name of the assignment and all. It took 2 hours to transcribe 5 minutes. I have to learn to type with more than two fingers on each hand.

Then we took the kids to floor hockey. Then we came home, hubby made dinner (pancakes and bacon, he needed my help. Sigh. Why aren't men taught to be more self-sufficient? But I digress), and I began writing out my reactions and reflections to every comment made. As well, I was to describe the skill used to support my intervention. I was intervening. Doesn't that sound intrusive? "Hey, your life's a mess, let me tell you how to fix it, lady!" Okay, it's only terminology, that's not how I'm taught to act or treat clients :) But the whole process was unnerving and uncomfortable.

But, yay, I'm done! I just have to proofread/edit any rough patches in the morning! And then it's off to my Political Science class for an exam review, and later to Legal Knowledge for more exam review and to hand in that paper. Then, first thing the next morning, I'm back to hand in the process recording and DVD of the interview. Gulp. I hope I do alright :)

Then the Political Science paper's due next Tuesday, and both of my exams are the following Tuesday. That brings me to Dec 15th, and the beginning of my Christmas vacation! It is extra long this year! I don't go back to school until Jan 11th! That's a week after the kids start back! I'm gonna be able to be a stay-at-home mommy for a few weeks! I really need this break.

Now that those two papers aren't looming on the horizon, I can see the end, and I'm starting to feel less exhausted, just writing about it :)

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